Group Facilitation, Workshops & Consultation Services
I am a learner at heart and truly value empowerment through knowledge as well as supportive connections. To this end, I offer small group facilitation towards repairing relationship and workshops or experiential presentations that enrich well-being and foster healing individually and collectively.
Facilitator Background, Lens and Approach . . .
As a group facilitator, I am a relational and systems-oriented therapist. I privilege relationship building, creating space for vulnerability and amplifying or uplifting the voices of those who hold marginalized identities, especially in addressing power, privilege and oppression. I tend to focus on the interactional patterns of a system (i.e. couple, family, groups) and rely on critical analysis and being goal-oriented in working through group process. My heart, social location, special interests, professional trainings and personal experiences inform how I create, hold space and guide people in discussions with each other as a facilitator.
My past experiences in facilitating group discussions include support groups, psychoeducational groups, and small group trainings. I do also consult with other professionals on group facilitation. In my approach, I hold space for multiple positionalities in the room. I tune into people’s cognitive awareness of how they impact others and how other people impact them as well as the underlying emotional responses in interactions. I collaborate with the participants and strive to hold an anti-racist lens as well as inclusive group discussions. This includes recognizing our racist socialization in a society that upholds the standards of white-body supremacy, acknowledging the privilege and harm it brings, and moving away from the rigid Eurocentric and oppressive structures that can often predominate meetings.
Among the topics I have addressed include:
Racialized Trauma & Healing
Self-Compassion & Mindfulness
Stress & Anxiety
Emotions, Relationship & Leadership
If you would like to consult, have questions about fees, and/or collaborate with me in facilitating a small group, creating a group workshop or experiential presentation related to the topics above (or others you believe we can co-create together), please send me an email at